Tuesday, August 10, 2021

This is not a winning point

Truly astonishing perspective on what has been happening and an apparent obliviousness as to the consequence of lost trust.

Half to two thirds of the nation (depending on the survey) has a negative assessment of government response to the pandemic and deep distrust of the purported experts.  And this is the experience Gore is invoking to stoke panic about climate change?

It is as if he has not been following what has been going on, read any of the polls, or witnessed the extent of vaccine hesitancy and refusal.

I would argue that the across the board failures to follow established protocols on pandemics, changing goal posts, manipulation of data, omission of data, flip-flopping on advice, demonstrated hypocrisy (masks for thee but not for me) of the experts and the powerful, the expressed desire to suppress independent sources of information, the active efforts to coordinate with tech companies to the suppress inconvenient studies, and the resort to coercion, all of which have been on display over the past 18 months, are exactly the behaviors to make people less trusting in experts rather than more.  

And to then invoke those behaviors in support of State mandated coercive policies related to AGW for unknown benefits at uncertain points in the future and with immediate negative impacts today and about which there is no consensus?  That simply can't be a wise argument.

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