Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right, here we are stuck in the middle of foolishness

It's just a coincidence in timing but I have today already seen two takedowns of major media errors.  We know there is something wrong with the mainstream media propagating false or incorrect information but it feels like it is getting worse.  

This thread is important because the original opinion piece had no evidence to support the opinion.  The evidence they did advance did not support, could not support their conclusion.

Important to follow the whole thread for all the valuable information.

From this morning I saw this nonsense where the media was making up a problem that did not actually exist.  The incident they claimed, did not happen.

Again, follow the thread for the sordid details about how desperately the media wanted their imaginings to be real.  

And, having nothing to do with media malfeasance per se, there is this story of the University of Wisconsin removing a boulder from campus because once, nearly a hundred years ago, it was referred to pejoratively with a racial epithet.  

We seem to suffer both a dearth of outrageous events, a surfeit of opportunities to express moral outrage, and an absence of even modestly mature thinking among people in leadership positions.

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