Friday, June 19, 2020

Something so horrific it can't be real and yet it is.

I have seen this story showing up on the fringes of media for several days and just assumed it was gossip, misinformation, salaciousness for clicks. It has been low level frequency and from sites that are willing to publish a wide spectrum of material but don't have the highest reputation for consistent accuracy.

But since the bar for consistent accuracy has fallen so low and the frequency of deliberate inaccuracy among the mainstream media has gotten so high, it is becoming more and more frequent that I learn of news from these sources which I used to regard as unreliable.

And in this instance, when I finally tracked the report to source, indeed there is a horrifying story and one which is not being covered at all in the US. The originating source is Deutsche Welle, the German equivalent of NPR or BBC.

From Berlin authorities placed children with pedophiles for 30 years by Rina Goldenberg. It is one of our most primal taboos. Don't have sex with children, most especially pre-pubescent children. So monstrous it is almost inconceivable.

Excerpt -
The 'Kentler Project' in West Berlin routinely placed homeless children with pedophile men, assuming they'd make ideal foster parents. A study has found the practice went on for decades.

Starting in the 1970s psychology professor Helmut Kentler conducted his "experiment." Homeless children in West Berlin were intentionally placed with pedophile men. These men would make especially loving foster parents, Kentler argued.

A study conducted by the University of Hildesheim has found that authorities in Berlin condoned this practice for almost 30 years. The pedophile foster fathers even received a regular care allowance.

Helmut Kentler (1928-2008) was in a leading position at Berlin's center for educational research. He was convinced that sexual contact between adults and children was harmless.

Berlin's child welfare offices and the governing Senate turned a blind eye or even approved of the placements.

Several years ago two of the victims came forward and told their story, since then the researchers at Hildesheim University have plowed through files and conducted interviews.

What they found was a "network across educational institutions," the state youth welfare office and the Berlin Senate, in which pedophilia was "accepted, supported, defended."

Kentler himself was in regular contact with the children and their foster fathers. He was never prosecuted: By the time his victims came forward, the statute of limitations for his actions had expired. This has also thus far prevented the victims from getting any compensation.

The researchers found that several of the foster fathers were high-profile academics. They speak of a network that included high-ranking members of the Max Planck Institute, Berlin's Free University, and the notorious Odenwald School in Hesse, West Germany, which was at the center of a major pedophilia scandal several years ago. It has since been closed down.
One might preach upon the sins of unbridled government power and the incapacity of academics to model moral behavior given their acceptance of a network of pedophiles across educational institutions. But this is more atavistic than that, more primal. It is one of the few things in our modern world which might allow us insight into the historical minds which sanctioned the burning of witches.

These thing keep popping up where government and the Mandarin Class seem to protect their own against behaviors which everyone else sees as evil. There is the continuing sore of so many leading Hollywood actors defending Roman Polanki's drugging and raping a thirteen year-old girl. The casual evil encapsualted by Whoopi Goldberg's characterization that it wasn't "rape-rape".

And let's not even address the Hollywood acceptance of the casting room couch deal for young women actresses where sex is traded for career advancement. They were all "Me Too" until their own exploitation of women was being discussed.

And then there is the perfectly incomprehensible situation in Britain where Pakistani rape gangs have been sanctioned by Child Welfare Departments and the Police in towns across the country to conduct mass rape and human trafficking of young women. And it continues. The type specimen of such state sanctioned rape gangs is Rotherham. Tens of thousands of women as young as twelve raped and sold into prostitution over several decades with the knowledge of the authorities and nothing done for fear that if they intervened they, the authorities, would be deemed racist.

Not just in Rotherham. The deep evil is that this had occurred in towns before Rotherham and continuing rings are still being discovered in further towns afterwards.

The Mandarin Class do not look after women, or girls or children. They trade in them for political power, money or status.

No wonder there is such occasional revulsion among citizens for those to whom they have delegated authority.

AS long as we are willing to be duped by Kabuki theater shows providing us serial crises to distract us - Climate Collapse, Russia Collusion, Impeachment over Ukraine, White Supremacist led Rioting, Extinction Level Event Pandemics, Racial Injustice - we cannot focus on the real evils, the mundane evils, the quotidian evils which we all condemn and which the Mandarin Class sanction. Such as pedophilia, and trafficking of women, and the casual enrichment of politicians and bureaucrats at the expense of citizens etc.

And the papers want nothing to do with the real issues. Far cheaper to write about fictional crises.

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