Friday, June 19, 2020

Serendipitous discovery or "Show me the man and I'll find you the crime"?

An example of the now requisite two-level thinking you have to do with all news sources. 1) What is really happening, and 2) What do they want me to believe is happening.

From Tucker Carlson reports: Stepmother of ex-Atlanta officer who shot Rayshard Brooks fired from job by Daniel Chaitin.
Fox News host Tucker Carlson reported the stepmother of the former Atlanta police officer charged with fatally shooting Rayshard Brooks last week has been fired from her job.

Carlson said a "source familiar with the matter" told his show that Melissa Rolfe, the stepmother of Garrett Rolfe, was let go from an Atlanta-based company called Equity Prime Mortgage, where she had been human resources director.

"Rolfe was promised that her job was safe, but today she was told, and we're quoting, 'We have to terminate our relationship with you.' No other explanation was offered," he said.

Carlson said, "apparently," her "only crime was being officer Rolfe's stepmother." He noted that Rolfe has been scrubbed from the company's website.

The Washington Examiner checked, and she does not appear on the website's leadership page. But, using the Wayback Machine, the Washington Examiner did find her listed as recently as May.

"Melissa was born and raised in Cobb County, Ga. She is married with three grown sons and one grandson. She is honored to be your Human Resource Director and hopes to put over 20 years of experience into furthering the EPM way. She will be using her degrees in Human Resource Management and Business Management to partner with team members to make them feel appreciated, respected and heard. Her belief is that staff is the greatest asset at EPM and they need a healthy, happy, fun work environment that promotes personal and professional development," the description for her read.

The Washington Examiner reached out to EPM for comment. About two hours after publication, the company released a statement that said Rolfe was fired because she violated company policy.

"As an employer, it is imperative to maintain a safe environment for all employees. Melissa Rolfe's termination was a director result of her actions in the workplace and violation of company policy," the statement said. "While working with Melissa as she transitioned to a leave of absence granted by our organization, we discovered she violated company policy and created an uncomfortable working environment for many of our employees. As an HR director, she ultimately lost the confidence of her peers, leadership, and many employees who no longer felt comfortable engaging with her. We value diversity of thought and respect Melissa's personal views and the views of all employees; however, when those views create a hostile working environment, we must make difficult decisions."

What to make of this.

On the one hand the social justice, critical theory, intersectional thinking which dominates the mainstream media has four great sins which would make this understandable.
The Group is more important than the Individual.

The Individual is only a token of the Group.

There is group guilt.

There is heritable guilt.
This is of course racist and evil but those are the predicate assumptions behind all the BLM protests, all the Social Justice protests, all the demands for reparations, etc. A mark of our advance in civilization has been the movement beyond these beliefs which are entirely antithetical to our shared assumptions such as
Individuals are the most granular level of responsibility and accountability

Due process

Rule of Law

Equality before the law

Consent of the governed

Divided powers in a federal republican structure of government

Natural rights (Bill of Rights)

Universal humanism

Specific and delegated authority (all power not specified resides with the individual)
Smooth operators and shallow thinkers focus on the appeals to justice but the reversion to barbarism and blood feuds is there right under the sheen of moral preening.

So is this one more company, in this case EPM, practices the way to create a healthy, happy, fun work environment that promotes personal and professional development by throwing employees under the bus when the social justice mob comes baying?

Is the company willing to fire an employee because she has a non-blood family connection to a still presumed innocent police officer?

Both of those assumptions seem plausible based on the sequence of actions.

Tucker Carlson is successful because he talks about things which most of the mainstream media won't touch and offers a viewpoint often much closer to the center of the nation than can be found anywhere else. But he is not always right and he does transact in outrage.

Two layer thinking requires the alternative exercise as well. Is it plausible that EPM, in preparing for inquiries because of an employee's familial affiliation did come across some fireable offense which, had they known about it a year ago they would have equally fired her then? You have to answer that that is at least possible and might even be plausible.

But the timing and sequence of events cannot help but make it look suspicious.

In an over-regulated society Beria's dictum is always relevant - "Show me the man and I'll find you the crime."

Did EPM find a fig leaf behind which to cower, in fear of both the social justice mob and the financial risk of an illegal termination suit? Also very plausible.

For now we cannot know. All we can sustain, with two-level thinking, is a set of suppositions and some estimate of the balance of probabilities.

It was easier in the days when we could trust news sources to at least a small degree.

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