Wednesday, April 13, 2022

Lean cost production

An interesting point.  From CNN+: A Bomb of Epic Proportions by John Hinderaker.  

Basically a comment on the evolving economics of journalism.  CNN+ launched a couple of weeks ago and so far has only 10,000 daily viewers.  

Fewer than 10,000 viewers a day? For perspective, that is a small fraction of what we get here on Power Line, and we have no costs other than $600 a month for web hosting. The red ink at CNN must be knee-deep.

This is similar to a few years ago.  NPR was on a rant about Rush Limbaugh and his insidious and eponymous show.  I was prompted to research their respective audiences and by some measures, Limbaugh had a larger monthly audience than did NPR.  Was NPR complaining on ideological differences or because he was a competitor for audience.  He and a handful of production people were producing his show in Florida while NPR had 700 people to produce their shows.  

A news organization with a cost structure of $600 a month for hosting outcompeting CNN+ for audience.  There is precidence but it is still impressive.

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