Saturday, April 30, 2022

Three enemies, the social environment, yourself, and the irresponsible chattering class

From No One Expects Young Men To Do Anything and They Are Responding By Doing Nothing by Rob Henderson.  The subheading is Garbage in garbage out

If you come from poverty and chaos, you are up against 3 enemies:

1. Dysfunction and deprivation

2. Yourself, as a result of what that environment does to you

3. The upper class, who wants to keep you mired in it

The people with the most money and education—the class most responsible for shaping politics and culture and customs—ensure that their children are raised in stable homes.

But actively undermine the norm for everyone else. 

I agree and the whole article is worth reading.  

I think this tragic situation is in part due to the difference between the Classical Liberal mind (order emerges from systems of influence) and the totalitarian mind (believing that you can plan societal outcomes via mechanistic tactics).  

It is also the consequence of emotional incontinence and the compelling desire to avoid the obvious truth that there is a hierarchy of social norms which are more or less contributive to personal and familial productivity and prosperity, health (mental and physical), and social effectiveness/status.  Nobody likes to say that someone else is doing something which is unlikely to be beneficial to them.  We don't want to insult them by pointing out the blindingly obvious.  We would much rather let others sink in the mire of dysfunction than take the responsibility of sharing what we know works.

Shame on us for lacking the courage and for allowing the evil of totalitarian thinking so dominate the marketplace of ideas.

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