Tuesday, April 19, 2022

Dangerous, ineffective, ill-founded, and failing to achieve stated goals

From Vinay Prasad.

A couple of important points.  While he is emphasizing the important issue that many of the most authoritarian Covid interventions (lockdowns, mask mandates, vaccine mandates, vaccine passports, etc.) were on shaky ground, I think his other point is perhaps even greater.

Yes, the administration's whole response was unconstitutionally authoritarian, stripping people of many of their constitutional rights (body integrity, property, freedom of assembly, freedom of religion, etc.). 

Equally important on a different dimension is the fact that virtually all the interventions were 1) unsupported by current facts and knowledge and indeed went against well established pre-Covid pandemic policies, and 2) the CDC and FDA never sought to establish an empirical knowledge base which would justify the imposed policies or confirm their efficacy.

It is one thing to be unconstitutional and effective in achieving outcomes.  It is another thing to be unconstitutional AND pursue bad policy inconsistent with the known facts AND ineffective in achieving the stated outcomes.  

The US government achieved the latter - unconstitutional actions with no empirical basis for those actions and no effective intervention achievement.  Vaccines faded unexpectedly quickly, side effects to MRNA were greater than anticipated, interventions had no impact on spread, and economic and health damages were greater than anticipated.  

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