Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Hope III: Assortative Mating

Hope III: Assortative Mating
by D.M. Charette

I hear how you proclaim the fault
for unequal shares in wealth
arises from the greediness
rich enjoy at poor’s expense.

But if you go through white papers [7,8]
you’ll notice one more factor
when you marry in your class
you increase the income gap.

Now let me call upon you all
who declare as liberal
to regard the bigger picture
when deciding on your future:

Seek outside of your career
ask out the single cashier
skip out on the grad event
hit the bar beside the plant

don’t inquire on film noir
learn to spot a muscle car
pass up on that back-stage tour
plant yourself in the bleachers.

So to decrease income division
you’ll marry someone not envisioned
but since you’re not a hypocrite
I’m certain you’ll be fine with it.

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