Tuesday, April 2, 2024

A concentration of failed states on our very doorstep

From In Cuba, the Terminal Stage of Communism Is a Mafia by Martin Gurri.  The subheading is Regime corruption, economic collapse and public anger point to trouble ahead.  Also, from Cuba Libre by Alex Tabarok, 

An update on the seeming imminent economic collapse of Cuba.  It has been bad before but the response has always been to double down on failed policies and ideology.  At this point, though, there seems like there really is nothing left in the cupboard to fall back on.  We'll see.

But that would mean that in 2024-5, we ought to be considering that we might likely have three failed states on our doorstep - Haiti (already failed), Venezuela (substantially failed but still buffered by its natural resources), and Cuba (possibly imminent failure.)  

We are already seeing thousands of Venezuelans and Haitians at our border.  What happens if Cuba disintegrates?  

And I see hardly anything in the legacy mainstream media about the incipient crisis.  Bad optics in an election year? Lack of awareness?  Perhaps it is that the foreign policy community obviously knows but has nothing constructive to prevent or ameliorate the crisis?  

I don't know but it seems a strange blindness in our national discourse.

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