Wednesday, March 6, 2024

Digital genocide

From Google Gemini’s Woke Catechism by Brian Chau.  The subheading is How Google Intentionally Created a Vehemently Anti-White AI.  

Google released its ChatGPT competitor, Gemini. In its latest update, it added image generation to further compete with ChatGPT. This was a complete disaster. The measures Google took to finetine its model to behave according to far-left ideology was on full display. I went through Google’s Gemini paper to show exactly how this ideological conditioning is done. The paper also documents a direct connection with Biden’s Executive Order on AI.


In addition to espousing far-left beliefs in text, it [Gemini] also refuses to depict white people in images, basically at all. It asks you to imagine a world where whites no longer exist, or ever existed. That’s a genocidal vision if there ever was one. There’s also some reporting on the characters in charge of Gemini’s ideology (1, 2), who themselves espouse far-left ideology.

Chau goes through all the evidence and details to support his argument.  

There are two major implications. First is that the government action through the Biden executive order likely contributed to Gemini’s far-left ideology. To my knowledge, this is the first documented case of the direct use of government to change the political viewpoints of a machine learning model. Second is that the Biden administration’s actions through the EO may amount to state-sanctioned racism, unconstitutional under the fourtheenth amendment. Ultimately, the exact extent of the Biden administration’s involvement may require legal or congressional measures to reveal.

Finally, it’s important to remember that companies do respond to public pressure. Despite biasing the initial version of ChatGPT towards similar far-left viewpoints, OpenAI made GPT-4 more moderate after public pushback. The degree to which Google corrects depends on several factors: the degree of public support, how institutionally organized that support is, and what government policy is overtly or covertly pressuring it to do. 

We have the sixth largest company in the world demonstrably committing digital genocide, motivated by a incoherent racist totalitarian ideology.  As if that were not bad enough, it turns out that Google was in part motivated to undertake this peculiar strategy at the behest of the Biden Administration.


The only silver lining is that so far this conforms with my theory that most bad things happen as a result of emergent order rather than planned conspiracies.  Per Adam Ferguson:

Nations stumble upon establishments, which are indeed the result of human action, but not the execution of any human design.

So far.  

The evidence of Google's efforts to shape its services to its own ideological and political desires has been emerging from the shadows for more than a decade.  The only surprise here is just how big a bang they made with this new product in making explicit that which was only assumed. 

The other thing I have gleaned, perhaps, is the issue of scale.  

Internet sleuths have already surfaced the hard left Woke proclivities of at least a couple of the senior executives involved in Gemini with videos and tweets to support the accusation.  

Yes, Google is the sixth largest company in the world (by capitalization).  Yes, they have 182,000 full time employees.

But just how many people on the Gemini team?  I seem to have seen a number of insider references to the smallness of the team.  50 people?  500?   5,000?

I am guessing somewhere between the two smaller numbers.  Say its 200 people.  If two of the top leaders are rabid anti-Age of Enlightenment Classical Liberal and are instead rabid racist Marxists (all Woke related ideologies being derivations of Marxism; Gender Theory, Intersectionalism, Social Justice Theory, Critical Race Theory, Critical Theory, Postmodernism, Deconstructionism, etc.) then it makes sense that a small team would likely be easily swayed or directed.  

Even though Google is 182,000 people, it only takes a handful at the right place at the right time to generate the circumstances where the company can be seen undertaking a campaign of racist anti-white digital genocide.  It seems inconceivable, but it obviously isn't.

Maybe all of Google is like this but it is quite possible it is also just a product of uncommon circumstance.  I fear it is the former but I hope it is the latter.  

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