Saturday, October 1, 2022

76%. Yikes

From Richard Reeves on Why Men are Struggling interviewed by Yascha Mounk

And the second thing that's happening is that the teaching profession is becoming more and more female over time. 76% of K-12 teachers now are female, and that's rising all the time. The evidence suggests that that actually does lead to worse outcomes for boys and men, for reasons that are a bit unclear. But the results nonetheless are pretty compelling. 

76%!  I had not realized it had grown that high.  Given that it is clear that boys need men in their lives in order to thrive, this ought to raise some alarms.  Especially in the context where 25% and rising of boys are raised in a single mother household.  If young boys are not given the example of a responsible adult male either at home or at school, what is that child's prospects in life as they enter adulthood themselves?  

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