Wednesday, May 18, 2022

"Not a word," said Bobby, "and saves the minimum. What a bastard."

From Wolves Eat Dogs by Martin Cruz Smith.  Page 246.

"Good, because the captain's brain is like a closet light that sometimes lights and sometimes doesn't. This time it didn't; the next time it might, and he'll connect Timofeyev and me and you. He'll check on your papers or call Ozhogin. He has the colonel's number. It might be wise to go now."

"We'll wait. By the way, Noah was an asshole, too."

"Why Noah?" Arkady asked. This was a new indictment.

"He didn't argue."

"Noah should have argued?"

Yakov explained, "Abraham argues with God not to kill everyone in Sodom and Gomorrah. Moses pleads with God not to kill worshippers of the golden calf. But God tells Noah to build a boat because He's going to flood the entire world, and what does Noah say? Not a word."

"Not a word," said Bobby, "and saves the minimum. What a bastard."

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