Tuesday, December 14, 2021

They have to see it as a strike, otherwise their gravy train ends.

From a walk down memory lane by el gato malo, referencing a Slate article in 2009 properly assessing that aerosolized virus spread is not contained by masks.

the year was 2009. a kinder time. a gentler time. a time when “slate magazine” still knew that masks do not stop SARS or swine flu because the virions are too small and too aerosolized.

amazing how so many takes from so many people changed while the science never changed one whit.

there is still not a single, valid, clinical outcomes RCT that supports masking to stop covid.

there are literally dozens that show inefficacy.

the science here could not be more clear.

there is no data that can convince people who do not care about data and choose to clutch talismans instead so they can feel like they are “doing something.” 

Upton Sinclair's quip comes to mind.

It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends upon his not understanding it.
The establishment made its pitch.  It went wide.  They have to see it as a strike, otherwise their gravy train ends.

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