Friday, April 16, 2021

I was delighted to find a number of heavily armed Druse tribesmen

From Trying to Please by John Julius Norwich.  Page 201. 

Of all these communities, the Druses were by far the most colorful. In my day their political leader was a certain Kemal Jumblatt. He exemplified that rarest of political combinations, the doctrinaire socialist who was also a feudal chieftain, with a private army of perhaps 5,000 followers at his command. During the troubles of 1958 he was to lead them in open warfare against the government, while remaining Minister of Education. This alone would have been remarkable enough; but Jumblatt went further. He somehow found additional time for oriental mysticism, spending two or three months a year at the feet of a guru in south India. When at home he lived in a wonderful old house in the south called Moukhtara, which had a river flowing straight through the middle of it and in which, on my first visit, I was delighted to find a number of heavily armed Druse tribesmen, sound asleep on Louis Quinze sofas with their boots on.


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