Friday, April 30, 2021

We at the Daily Caller would like to take this time to congratulate NYT for just now breaking the story we broke a year ago.

I kind of despise the motives of many in the mainstream media, politics, government bureaucracies, entertainment, etc. who so eagerly but deceptively try to divide Americans, support racism, and declare themselves against our noble and nearly unique experiment in freedom.

But occasionally, as the battle sways back and forth between the entrenched establishment interests pushing versions of authoritarianism and communism and all the rest of us who are still committed to the ideals expressed in Constitution, there are moments of stiletto humor.  Times when the truth is  so obvious it can no longer be denied. 

As here:


The mainstream media has been fervently fighting for the interests of their side.  Through much of 2020 the New York Times among many other mainstream media outlets were pushing the story that Governor Cuomo was doing a superb job of protecting New Yorkers from Covid-19.  Puff pieces galore and disgusting sycophancy everywhere.

The only thing missing was the facts and all the facts from even the earliest days told a different story.  The New York response was misguided, wasteful, ineffective and ultimately profoundly damaging, making a bad situation much worse.  

In fairness to Cuomo, New York was one of the first half dozen states to be badly hit.  There was a lot of learning going on, especially regarding intubation and ventilators.  But it was also obvious that some policies were being pursued which were going against medical advice and strong opposition, such as housing Covid-19 patients in long term care facilities with the elderly.  There was much sound reason and even evidence to suggest that this would be catastrophic.

Then, to add moral deviance to unbridled and dangerous arrogance, the Cuomo administration began trying to hide the numbers which revealed how deadly their policy had been.  Bloggers and right leaning media (both of them) investigated and published the news of the catastrophe and the attempted deceit.  The NYT, the Washington Post, NPR, all turned a blind eye claiming that all these reports were mere claims "without evidence."

But the dam has broken, the evidence is seeping out, the truth is out there.  And now those mainstream media partisans are in a bad corner.

The Daily Caller is one of the new media seeking to fill the void of truthful factual reporting left when the mainstream media shifted to their DNC partisan model.  I am not sure actually that they are filling the void so much as simply attempting to supply a counterweight to the unadulterated misinformation of the former mainstream media.  They do report things that the MSM won't but they also report things which seem questionable.

Regardless, they earned this one.  They reported the truth about the New York Covid-19 disaster, Cuomo's role in creating the disaster, and then his attempt to cover up how bad a disaster it had been.  

We at the Daily Caller would like to take this time to congratulate NYT for just now breaking the story we broke a year ago.

Petty? Perhaps.  But a lag of a year for the NYT to get around to reporting the truth.  I think the Daily Caller gets a pass.  A little schadenfreude is occasionally earned.

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