Thursday, April 22, 2021

Zealotry is no basis for decision making.

From The ultimate price of costless gestures by Razib Khan.  The ultimate price is that the 2020 George Floyd initiated defund and reduce policing campaign is an increase in lost black lives.  Specifically, the cost of reduced policing between 2019 and 2020 has been an increase in the number of black murders of 2,200.  Between 200 and 250 blacks are killed by police officers each year, usually because they physical attacked the police and overwhelmingly while armed.  Only 10-20 blacks are killed each year by police while unarmed (though still often violent).  

The total number of police interactions per year with members of the public is on the order of 62 million in which about 1,000 people are killed (due to resisting arrest or attacking police with a weapon) including 200-250 blacks of whom 10-20 are unarmed (but not necessarily non-violent.)

Every death is a tragedy but those involving the police are almost always taken very seriously and almost always found to be justified for clear and evident reasons.  Accidental police shootings of citizens are a clear and real issue but are statistically rare.

And it is that reality which illuminates the evil being promulgated by some of chattering class commentators and political leaders.  To theoretically possibly save either 10-12 black lives a year or as many as 200-250, the Critical Race Theory and Social Justice zealots are perfectly willing to sacrifice 2,200 black lives. 

This is evil incarnate.

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