Saturday, December 12, 2020

As I lay upon a night

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An ancient English carol.

Alma redemptoris mater.

As I lay upon a night
My thought was on a berde so bright
Whom men call Mary, full of might,
Redemptoris mater.

To her came Gabriel with light
And said, ‘Hail be thou, blissful wight! [blessed creature]
To be called now art thou dight [prepared]
Redemptoris mater.'

At that word that lady bright
Anon conceived God full of might;
Then men knew well that she hight [was called]
Redemptoris mater.

When Jesu on the rood was pight [fastened]
Mary was doleful for that sight
Til she saw him rise up aright,
Redemptoris mater.

Jesu, who sittest in heaven's light,
Grant us to come before thy sight
With that berde that is so bright,
Redemptoris mater.

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