Sunday, May 12, 2019

Mediterranean launches

From A blast from the naval aviation past by Bayou Renaissance Man.
Back in 1962, a Swedish sailing ship entered the Mediterranean Sea for a cruise. On board were a camera crew using 70mm. film technology to record the voyage. They filmed all sorts of extra bits and pieces, including an extended visit to the US aircraft carrier Shangri-La.

A few years ago, that film was restored and digitized, offering a high-definition view of life at sea almost 60 years ago. Here's the footage shot on board the USS Shangri-La. Note the aircraft in daily use; Skyhawks, Skyraiders, Skyrays, Crusaders, and so on. There's a lot less clutter and equipment on the flight deck, too.
There something almost eery about the clarity and vividness of the fifty-seven year old film. All those young men, now in their late seventies or already passed.

Double click to enlarge.

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