Saturday, September 3, 2011

The future is random

The future is random to us and generates its own events in ways that we cannot anticipate. It is not that the future is unknowable. Every year we accumulate greater knowledge of facts and more wisdom about cause and effect. We slowly encroach on the jungle of the unknown, clearing out confusing undergrowth and letting more light shine in. But the more we know, the more we discover what we don’t know – just how deep and impenetrable is that jungle. It goes on and on. As must we. We will never obtain true wisdom but we can become wiser.

All the while, as we become more knowledgeable and wiser, we are still overswept by those random events, always challenging our very existence. Our greater knowledge and greater wisdom facilitate a better future but do not guaranty it. We face a severe teacher and always have to have the right answer even if it is a test for which we are unprepared.

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