Saturday, September 3, 2011

Doing the right thing, unseen

Cheaters Prosper by Rob Long.

I wonder if the figure quoted in this article is indicative of a more general question: What percentage of individuals are inclined to break the ethical rules if they believe they won't be discovered? It is a question that has echoed down the ages in one form or another. Basically, how many people can you expect to do the right thing even if no one is watching? 80% sounds like a good number but is it enough for a complex inter-dependent society where the continued smooth functioning depends to so great a degree on Trust.
In all, 22 of the 108 students in the class admitted using their classmates’ answers, or unattributed internet sources such as journals, on assignments, he wrote. Most of the assignments included at least 20 percent plagiarized material, and in some cases far more.

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