Sunday, May 7, 2023

Social stability, civil liberties, non-selective immigration - Pick two

From The diversity trilemma by Noah Carl.

Such cases highlight what I like to call the “diversity trilemma”.

What’s this? Basically, you can pick two out of the following three: social stability, civil liberties, non-selective immigration. If you want social stability and civil liberties, you have to be picky with immigration. If you want civil liberties and non-selective immigration, you won’t get social stability. And if you want non-selective immigration and social stability, you’ll have to infringe civil liberties.

Since social stability is paramount for most governments (winning reelection is hard when people are rioting in the streets), there are really only two ways to “solve” the diversity trilemma: by being picky with immigration, or by infringing civil liberties.

Carl then goes on to examine all the many civil liberties Britain has been abandoning over the past two or three decades.  It is chilling reading and not obviously wrong.  

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