Monday, June 8, 2020


Never heard of her before but just came across Canadian professor Janice Fiamengo. Ignore the flat affect and concentrate on the message.

One of those lonely voices in the academic wilderness speaking some degree of common sense - the Camille Paglia, Jordan Peterson, Jonathan Haidt, Steven Pinker, and Christina Hoff Sommers of the world. Individual voices with interesting ideas and the courage to swim against the tide of empyheaded totalitarianism.

Double click to enlarge.

She mentions that Victim Mentality Disorder (MD) is a condition in which one believes oneself to have been harmed in a manner that is entirely undeserved and for which one bares no responsibility. It is associated with disordered and irrational thinking.

Critically, it is a learned personality trait. It is a choice.

She identifies the typical characteristics of someone with a Victim Mentality Disorder.
Blaming others for a situation that one has contributed to

Being unwilling to take responsibility for one's own actions

Ascribing non-existent negative intentions to other people

Believing other people are generally luckier and happier

Gaining pleasure from feeling sorry for one self and eliciting pity from others
A useful cheat sheet. Carry it with you to your next social meeting and see who meets which criteria.

Use it as a bingo-like game. Next time you have a mandated Diversity session, see how quickly you can check off each of the five attributes. First to get all five calls out "VMDingo!"

UPDATE: The supporting data. The Tendency for Interpersonal Victimhood: The Personality Construct and its Consequences

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