Sunday, June 7, 2020

How big does a crowd have to be to pack Washington, D.C.?

Heh. From How many protesters does it take to "pack" Washington D.C.? by Ann Althouse. Entertaining for its linguistic insight.
According to The Washington Post, the city is "packed" when there are "more than 10,000."

Click to enlarge.

That's the WaPo headline as displayed at Memeorandum. The headline is no longer written like that. Now, it is "'Defund The Police' painted on D.C. street as tensions among protesters flare."

Now, my question is: How bad did it get for WaPo to write "tensions... flare"?
More than 10,000 people poured into the nation’s capital on the ninth day of protests over police brutality.... The cause even led to flares of tension among Washington’s protesters, with some embracing a party atmosphere while others furiously spray-painted “Defund The Police” in giant yellow letters a block from the city’s “Black Lives Matter” display....
So there was some graffiti. What else? Turns out it was just a few protesters who were irked that others weren't acting angry:
Kenny Sway, a D.C. musician who had calmed thousands a few days before with his rendition of “Lean On Me,” pushed through the crowd, yelling at everyone he could see to stop dancing and start marching.

“This is not a festival!” he shouted into a microphone. “This is not a f---ing festival!”

The dancing demonstrators mostly ignored him, except for one woman who rolled her eyes and complained to a friend.

Good points. Hard to get accurate information from the mainstream media anymore.

When I saw the headline of her post, I went to the manufactured kerfuffle about the size of the Inauguration crowds. Trump claiming that half the nation was there and the Washington Post claiming it was the size of a small town prom dance.

If 10,000 people constitutes a packed nation's capital, then I guess the Washington Post is conceding that Trump was correct and the inauguration was packed.

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