Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Ideas matter

From We All Live on Campus Now by Andrew Sullivan. A classical liberal on the center left end of the spectrum but still a classical liberal, just as are most of those characterized as being on the right.

He apparently is having increasing difficulty at New York Magazine getting his work published in the face of opposition from his junior social justice journalistic peers.

He has been a lonely voice on the left renouncing the bigotry, totalitarianism, racism, and sexism of the neo-Marxist social justice, postmodernists. His is an argument most classical liberals on the right would endorse:
Ideas matter

Free speech matters

Treating people as individuals rather than totems of a group matters

Microagresssions is a fraud

Privacy matters

Due process matters

Objective truth matters
All classical liberals can agree on these things as fundamental. And it puts all classical liberals at odds with the religious fervor, bigotry, hatred, and totalitarianism of the new left of social justice and critical theory.

Sullivan has to take a swing at Republicans and the mythologized white identity politics is called to support his argument despite its complete non-existence.

But Sullivan is an ally of all classical liberals against the rising tide of hatred, bigotry, violence, racism and totalitarianism of the social justice left. There is no room for schednfreude. He is making the same classical liberal argument as most on the right and should be respected for his courage. It is not as if it is a popular message over there.

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