Monday, May 4, 2020

Ideology determines perspective determines headline

Heh. The alternate headline writes itself. From Before Covid-19, Trump Aide Sought to Use Disease to Close Borders by Caitlin Dickerson and Michael D. Shear.

The alternate headline would be something like:
Trump Administration Prescient in its Concern Regarding Porous Borders and Pandemics
A trivial example of how political and ideological bias shape how the news is reported. Of course, there are more neutral alternate formulations.

The hard-to-omit issues are that -
As far back as 2017, Trump included epidemic containment as among the reasons for tighter border control.

Academics and MSM argued that "The idea that immigrants carry infections into the country echoes a racist notion with a long history in the United States that associates minorities with disease."

Covid-19 has demonstrated that the concern about porous borders and pandemics was well founded.

Trump was right and Academics and the MSM were wrong.

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