Wednesday, May 6, 2020

A glimpse at redemption even among the dangerously delusional.

Pretty much of a puff piece but with a small nugget of redemption. From For A.O.C., ‘Existential Crises’ as Her District Becomes the Coronavirus Epicenter by Mark Leibovich.

AOC is easy to mock with her outsized ego and Exhibit A Dunning-Krugerism. And she has been mocked for her emotional and absurd policy positions. But all institutions need shaking up and she certainly has disturbed Congress.

Regardless though, she is a menace. Not because she is wrong, but because she is effective at advancing a communist agenda in part fueled by divisive racism, sexism, and anti-Americanism. With a heavy dose of profound economic ignorance.

Leibovich gives her a generally nauseating tongue-licking but there is a small, redemptive cameo, which, if genuine, is about the most positive and redeeming thing I have read about her.
Ms. Ocasio-Cortez, 30, knows many who have died, as well as others who were sickened with the virus, or left hungry or jobless. She sends notes and makes calls to as many surviving family members as she can, serving as a kind of legislative first responder. But it can be hard to keep up.

“I’ll be on calls with service workers, front-line workers, and they’re the ones who have to pull bodies out of apartments,” she said, sitting in her empty and freezing campaign headquarters in the Bronx on a recent afternoon, surrounded by bags of donated food she was preparing to deliver to families in her district. The usually crowded streets were quiet, except for a steady assault of rain and sirens.
One of my deepest antipathies for many of those on the left is their inclination to pontificate and virtue-signal rather than make actual things work. Dangerous and wrong-headed though she might be, if AOC is indeed truly collecting food and provisions that she then distributes to those in need, then more power to her (within her district; still don't let her roam.)

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