Thursday, October 31, 2019

Those Bill of Rights Freedoms aren't welcome here. We are an inclusive community.

I love how innocently unconscious are purportedly intelligent people in the academy. From UMaryland warns 'cultural appropriation' costumes have 'no place' on campus by Celine Ryan.
Students at the University of Maryland have been warned to steer clear of costumes that use an "aspect of another culture," with the school insisting that such costumes have "no place in an inclusive community" and can cause "heightened anxiety and tension" for "minoritized communities."

The University of Maryland is warning students to avoid committing "cultural appropriation" with their costumes by asking themselves questions like "Did people from the other culture represented by the costume endure negative experiences that people from your culture have not?" "What are the consequences of generalizing people based on their culture?" and "Who should determine the level of harm someone might experience from cultural appropriation?" according to a pre-Halloween news release.
Of course this is merely empty ideological virtue signaling. Empty minds spouting empty platitudes. They don't really care about others; they care about their own power.

But the amazing thing is that they don't even respect themselves enough to listen to their own words. Insisting that certain people exercising their free speech rights have "no place in an inclusive community" sure seems to call into question their assumptions about tolerance and inclusiveness.

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