Tuesday, August 15, 2017

The illusion that there is a difference between national socialism and international socialism

From Nazism's Marxist Roots by By Donald Sensing. Sensing addresses something that I have found odd.

Someone recently posted this tweet.

Well, yeah. They are both violent, thuggish fringe groups disavowed by virtually everyone.

What is so striking to me is that they are often being contrasted as opposite ends of the ideological spectrum when they are in fact very close kin. In the picture, to the left are the international socialists and to the right are the national socialists. Both are ideologies steeped in blood and violence with Soviet communists and Nazi's both drawing much of their ideology from the writings of Marx. They aren't opposites, they are kissing cousins.

The opposite of all the totalitarian ideologies who take their heritage from Marx; communism, socialism, nazism, postmodernism, critical theorists, deconstructionists, etc. - they all are the opposite of Classical Liberals. On the left, the ends justify the means, doctrine dictates reality, the state decides, communities supersede individuals, humans are blank slates to be engineered to the state ends, variance is suppressed or destroyed, there are no rights other than those allowed by the state, etc.

On the right, classical liberals, you have rule of law, individual inherent natural rights, consent of the governed, reality is discovered via the scientific method, tolerance via pluralism, variance in people, freedom and liberty as goals, the state constrained to only those powers delegated by the citizens, equality before the law, due process, etc.

International socialism and national socialism are at one end of the spectrum and classical liberalism is at the other.

Pretending that the national socialists and international socialists are opposites and trying to tar one political party with the evil of either seems to me to be startling ignorance on the part of journalists or possibly simply an astonishing performance of Orwellian doublespeak.

Both our parties have drifted from the ideal of classical liberalism and the corruption of postmodernism has infected both with hazy shibboleths and lazy thinking. I don't think the great middle of America is hankering for either national socialism or international socialism. Americans want both parties to recenter themselves on the principles of classical liberalism which underpin our great nation and have powered our exceptional history.

The Tea Party movement, the hollowing out and decline of the group identity obsessed Democratic Party, the Bernie Sanders phenomenon, and the election of Donald Trump all seem to me to be alarms sounded by the great middle of America, sounded to get the attention of our political class. But we have one of the worst political cohorts ever (both parties) and the longer they ignore the vox populi and continue their drift away from classical liberalism, the worse things will get.

National socialists and international socialists are fringe ideological diseases, making a lot of noise with very few voices and drowning out the more important klaxon from the middle class. The dysfunctional behavior of our mainstream media and the sinecures of our debased political class seem to be stopping their ears to the call from Americans.

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