Sunday, May 13, 2012

Psyche, faces and memory

See Psyche's Sister by Jessa Crispin.

A weird kind of literary advice column, fascinating in an odd way. I do like how the author's answer to a question about rather unusual modern day living arrangements focuses on tradition and literature. What I find especially fascinating is the reference to the story of Psyche and C.S. Lewis' rendition in Till We Have Faces. I recall reading and enjoying the story guite a bit as part of a college English class. I recall that it had an impact in the sense that I remember pondering passages and implications. And I don't recall at all that it had anything to do with Psyche. Since it is only a remote probability that we read it and discussed in class and no-one ever mentioned the link to the Psyche story, the necessary implication is that my memory has been very selective. It wounds me, taking rather material pride in having a fairly capacious memory, to be confronted by such a reality, but there it is. The evidence is pretty damning. Humph.

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