Sunday, June 5, 2022

Just how many failed-states will bad governance create?

Somalia has long been a failed-state and now one becoming more dangerous yet as a safe harbor for terrorist groups.  Afghanistan was a teetering state which has now been firmly shoved into the failed-state column with the unseemly US exit on August 30, 2021.  

Lebanon, gifted with beauty, terrain, agriculture and commercial talent but also poisoned with ethnic and sectarian identity politics is now on the economic and governance brink, seemingly about to slide back into chaos and failed-state status.

Sri Lanka, off the back of an authoritarian and totalitarian forced conversion of its agricultural sector into a policy of organic farming, has seen crop yields plummet.  Foreign reserves are gone, bank accounts empty, food supplies precarious, starvation around the corner and violent rioting spreading.

How many other failed-states are about to emerge owing to the buffeting winds of inflation, food shortages, energy scarcity, etc?  Mexico?  Brazil?  Iran?  Egypt?  Zaire?  Pakistan?  Central Asian states? 

There has been a plethora of bad global governance, regional governance, national governance and local governance.  How bad is it going to get if nations start falling like dominoes into failed-state status?

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