Saturday, July 3, 2021


AGW enthusiasts always establish their bona fides by making the distinction, as they should, between weather and climate.  Both are changing all the time, usually for reasons only dimly or incompletely understood.

In practice though, AGW enthusiasts will always seize on weather variances as examples of anthropogenic global warming.  Even if it is really just weather.  Because weather is always changing and always has much larger measurement boundaries than does AGW.

Nicely captured in this cartoon.

I am here in the southeast where it is hot and muggy.  As it always is in the summer.  I haven't seen the numbers yet but I am guessing that this is a slightly milder (maybe a couple of degree cooler than usual) summer.

So I am surprised at all the howls of social media angst about the blistering summer.  Ahh.  The West Coast is a little warm than usual.  The East Coast a little cooler

Click to enlarge. 

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