Sunday, January 5, 2025

The communications challenges of a digital, AI, bot-laden world.

A test case for modern communications challenges in a digital, AI, bot-laden world.  I see this exchange.  
My first instinctive response was "What a female, hypergamous, passive aggressive tweet."  

Nothing unreasonable about Polly's complaint.  All logistical work is challenging, including meal preparation.  Granted it is easier for some than others depending on whether you are indulging whimsical demands, imagined dietary needs, etc.  But meal preparation in one manner or another is necessary and not for everyone.  Including, apparently, Polly.

Ann Bauer says she enjoys preparing meals.  De gustibus non est disputandum.  But man does she slip in the sharpened kitchen knife.  Polly, you would enjoy cooking more if your husband appreciated it is the implication.  It is a double knifing - either the Polly's cooking is so bad that it can't be appreciated or she is just married to an unappreciative lug.  Your fault Polly, quit complaining.  

But Ann is not done, she has to get the extra twist in.  I spend 90 minutes making a good meal.  That's why it is appreciated.  Which has all sorts of unstated implications such as I have the time to spend an hour and a half fixing a meal.

But then I notice - Polly.  Or should I say @oi_tillymint.  Maybe a real person.  But also quite possibly a bot.  A bot just spewing commentary designed to drive engagement.  

But then you go back to the beginning of the thread and there is this:
So now there are three possibilities 

A real human with a real human plaint  (I hate my boring cooking)

A real human consciously engagement farming around a common issue.

A bot driving engagement and traffic.

Yuck.  Cognitive pollution.  Follow real people with value added content.  

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