Sunday, June 9, 2024

Babylon Bee accurate reporting on April 16, 2020

The Babylon Bee has gone from strength to strength based on satirical humor.  Some refer to it as the new Paper of Record because their satire is always against the reigning and dominant received belief and then it turns out, days, weeks, or months later, to have been accurate all along.  You can't trust the legacy mainstream media, they lie and are inaccurate.

You can trust the Babylon Bee to be accurate, sometimes it just takes awhile to see how accurate they were, and how early compared to everyone else.

I have reached March and April of 2020, in my archiving of Thingfinder, which were the opening months of Covid-19 in the US.  Right from the start, most government public health reactions were notably contra past experience, contra then existing response policies, and against the body of evidence as then available.

Very soon after Covid-19 emerged, so did plenty of evidence that it was man-made, via a US funded program of work conducted at the Wuhan Virus Institute in China, in order to circumvent restrictions placed on such work by US law.

From the very beginning, the legacy mainstream media, in concert with the US government, public health agencies and intelligence agencies, all mounted a campaign to hide the fact that the global COvid-19  pandemic was manmade in China by American investment.  The campaign against the truth continued for years despite ever increasing evidence.

Now that Congress has got into the act with FOIA requests, we are beginning to get to the grimy details underpinning both how the CDC went wrong on practically every decision of substance and why.  Fauci is once again appearing before Congress to explain the paper trail which contradicts everything he has said before.  

But the Babylon Bee was there first, way back on April 16, 2020.


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