Sunday, January 22, 2023

Sub currus projice as a leading indicator of reform

From is the UK health regulator disavowing covid vaccine approvals? by el gato malo.  The subheading is the bagholder bonanza begins.

Many, if not most, of the Covid-19 pandemic public health decisions made between January and June 2020 were empirically questionable based on the quality of new information available and based on the known best practices from prior pandemics.  

Many people protested the decisions but both government and the class of experts in the pay of government were not only strong in the convictions but also willing to break civil rights in order to punish those with different evidence or opinions about the evidence and to actively seek to censor opposing voices.  

In the back half of 2020, the early doubts gained momentum but there was not yet large indisputable data sets which allowed really rigorous debate.  Suggestive debate certainly, but not yet definitive.

Especially given that most state actors implemented mechanisms to prevent the collection of data that would allow us to answer the most pressing questions.

As we have moved through 2021 and now 2022, the data, despite the best efforts of the mainstream media, academia, and Leviathan, has become increasingly available, increasingly clear, and increasingly compelling that we just inflicted a massive public health catastrophe on our nations.  Increasingly clear but still not definitive.

Now we appear to be moving into the next phase.

We seemingly know that at every step the public health agencies made bad decisions based on data that known to be bad or inadequate data and inconsistent with other data and experiences.  They could have hardly done worse.

But now the consequences are increasingly clear that it appears that there is the possibility in different countries for there to be some form of accountability demanded.  The magnitude of the bad consequences and the clarity that the accusations have merit seem to be pushing us to the point where the perpetrators actually believe there to be personal and institutional risk involved. 

And are beginning to take action to avoid being accused by throwing others under the bus.  This is what El Gato Malo is exploring in his article.

It is early days.  Leviathan is good at avoiding accountability.  The mainstream media are so embedded with the perpetrators that they cannot report disinterestedly.  

I don't know if this bus throwing under trend has momentum.  I hope so.  But it is at least an encouraging sign.

[*sub currus projice - to throw under the chariot]

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