Monday, December 26, 2022

He was merely, as is his wont, emitting words

From 2022 was the opposite of good. But it had some positives by Dave Barry.  As accurate as any other summation of the events of the year with both more insight and greater humor.  

The best thing we can say about 2022 is: It could have been worse. 

For example, we could have had nuclear Armageddon. This briefly appeared to be a possibility, at least according to the president, who broke the news in October at (Why not?) a Democratic Party fundraiser at the home of a wealthy donor in New York City. That must have been an exciting event! One moment everybody’s standing around chewing hors d’ oeuvres, and the next moment WHOA WHAT DID HE JUST SAY? 

The next day, after the news media ran a bunch of scary headlines, the White House Office of Explaining What the President Actually Meant explained that the president wasn’t suggesting that we were facing Armageddon per se, but was merely, as is his wont, emitting words, one of which happened to be “Armageddon,” and everybody should just calm down.

And it gets better as he begins his month-by-month recap.

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