Sunday, April 10, 2022

Domestic far-right terrorists? We're on it! Agents of hostile foreign powers? Nothing to see, move along.

Well, this should be interesting.  From Secret Service agents in Biden detail reportedly part of bribery scheme by Steven Nelson.  This comes in the same week that the Federal government was unable to get convictions against four individuals for planning to kidnap the Governor of Michigan because most of the participants in the planned kidnapping were either federal agents of federal informers.

They can conjure up a far-right kidnapping case against American citizens which no one believes.  But they can't find two apparently two foreign agents who managed to infiltrate the Secret Service and compromise at least four Secret Service Agents assigned to guard the President, the First Lady and the Vice President.

The stunning plot was detected by chance when someone assaulted a mail carrier and building residents told a US postal inspector they should consult with Taherzadeh and Ali. The postal inspector grew suspicious and informed the DHS Inspector General’s Office, which in turn alerted the FBI.

Read the whole thing for the astonishing details.

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