Wednesday, April 6, 2022

Biden is the President and his own party are shunning him for the cool kid.

I am no fan of President Biden.  He ran as a moderate and has governed with an extremist agenda.  He has a long trail of failures in his sixteen month presidency - vastly increased illegal immigration with correspondent human exploitation, inflation ready to destroy the lives of the bottom two quintiles and making it hard for everyone else, soaring energy costs per plan, soaring deficits, needless divisiveness over fringe ideological goals, loss of peace momentum created under the prior administration, failure to restore the labor force participation rate, rising crime, a catastrophic response to Covid, etc.  Indeed, a presidency akin to that of Jimmy Carter's and shaping to be worse.  Much worse.

But left or right, Democrat or Republican, this is simply wrong.  The White House throws a shindig celebrating Obamacare and the participants fawn over Obama and shun Biden.  None of us would wish to be in Biden's position.  
I am not sure I could hold establishment politicians in lower regard but this reminds me just how selfish and self-centered they are.  Biden is the President and they are shunning him for the cool kid.  

Compound this with the fact that Biden is clearly cognitively struggling these days.  Where are his minders?  Pelosi is by his side and sets off on her own agenda.  There's Harris getting the attention she so desperately craves and seemingly unaware of Biden's presence beside her.  Nobody should have to suffer this degree of embarrassment that they are inflicting on Biden.  Yes, yes.  He chose to pursue the presidency despite his age.  It's his own party doing the shunning.  His failures are his own fault.  Etc., etc.  This is still disrespectful and wrong.

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