Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Our Peckniffian political and cultural Mandarin Class are always betrayed by their own pharisaical behaviors.

One right after the other and both appropriate to the times and our government leaders.


affecting benevolence or high moral principles.
"he adopted a Pecksniffian tone"

Complemented by 

 | \ ˌfer-ə-ˈsā-ə-kəl  , ˌfa-rə- \ 
pharisaical adjective

marked by hypocritical censorious self-righteousness 

Use in a sentence?

Our Peckniffian political and cultural Mandarin Class are always betrayed by their own pharisaical behaviors. 

Noticed via Rule-Breaking Elites Let the Mask Slip on COVID Protocols by Charles C.W. Cooke.

Say what you will about the WASPs of old; at least they tried to keep up appearances. Our current set of carriage-trade elects? Not so much. They’ve got the noblesse bit down, sure enough. But the oblige? That part’s kind of a buzzkill, n’est-ce pas?

They’re still into setting the rules, of course. Hell, that’s how you can tell they’re in the club. It’s just the leading-by-example part they’re struggling with. What happens in Hollywood stays in Hollywood, see? And the rest of you can go stuff it.

Up until this point in the pandemic, the worst examples of elite rule-breaking have been discrete. Gavin Newsom hit up the French Laundry. Gretchen Whitmer popped down to Florida. Chris Cuomo said that he was hiding in his basement, when, in reality, he was out and about in the Hamptons. Now, the habit is being ruthlessly collectivized. If, like me, you tuned in by accident to last night’s Emmys and saw a vast crowd of unmasked celebrities embracing one another, you will understand what’s changed. No longer are we talking about a hypocrite here and a hypocrite there, but about an entire cast of tartuffes. Falsity, it seems, is a highly contagious disease, and there is safety to be found in numbers.

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