Friday, April 9, 2021

Pravda reporting, here we are

A major controversy erupted this week in Florida when a CBS journalist alleged that Governor DeSantis had been bribed by grocery chain Publix in return for the contract to distribute Covid-19 vaccinations.  It did not go well.

CBS journalist made the accusation in a press conference.  DeSantis refuted her at length with the history of the distribution strategy, the various levels of government and independent agencies involved in the decision, including both Republicans and Democrats.  It was quite clear that CBS had either not understood the process or had electively chosen to ignore most of it in order to make the baseless accusation.  Sharyn Alfonsi is the CBS journalist launching the baseless attack without her facts in order, completely certain of her truth and demonstrably wrong to virtually everyone else.  

Here is the side by side of the press conference.  The first section, about a minute, is the CBS edited version.  At just about the one minute mark is the second fuller version which includes DeSantis's entire and thorough refutation.  A report with actual quotations is here.

Several City, County, and State Democrats have subsequently jumped in to affirm DeSantis's description and to criticize CBS for not talking with them and for making such an unfounded accusation.  DeSantis's model of State working with County and County working City is exactly what we expect of our Federal Republic - utilizing the value of central authority while optimized with local knowledge.

Robby Soave of Reason Magazine asks Why Hasn't the Mainstream Media Pilloried 60 Minutes for Spreading Misinformation?  Since he wrote it a few days ago, CNN has stepped up to the plate with the admission that the CBS coverage was a deliberate set of deceptions which aggregate into a lie.  But other than that, our institutional press has been virtually silent on a blatant and obvious propaganda campaign built solely on falsehoods despite an easily knowable set of facts.  

How can this be happening in this day and age?  The facts are out there.  The video is out there.  There are non-MSM commentators calling out CBS.  There are even a few MSM commentators calling out the falsehoods.  But it is still being mostly swept under the rug and the false reporting continues to be propagated.  This isn't a matter of opinion, it is a matter of fact.

I need to start keeping a list of these blind lies which keep getting repeated by the mainstream media without any regard to the rich data which either refutes or calls into question the narrative.  Of course we have the heritage of the three year Russia Collusion propaganda campaign which was nothing built on even less.  There was the whole Ukraine call charade, the Potemkin village performances of impeachments one and two.  The General Michael Flynn folderol, etc.

But those are oldies.  

Here I sit, post-surgery, doped up on pain-killers and I can come up with some very obvious ones off the top of my head (a dangerous thing to do in my condition.)

CBS baseless accusations against DeSantis

Mainstream Media dismissal of Hunter Biden's computer until once again proven real.

Mostly peaceful riots.

January 6th insurrection (mostly peaceful protests based on the charges).

 Hiding the fact that no Capitol Police Officer was murdered by protestors.

Hiding the fact that there was hardly any evidence supporting the charges against Derek Chauvin. 

Hiding the fact that George Floyd was already in mortal distress at the beginning of the encounter owing to overdoses of several drugs.

Complete misrepresentation of the contents of the Georgia Voting bill despite its availability online.

Etc.  Just top of mind.  Every single one of these was, by empirical evidence or by reason, untrue when first reported and increasingly obviously untrue as time progressed.  

The American mainstream media has accelerated onto the Pravda path towards publishing propaganda rather than facts. 

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