Thursday, November 5, 2020

The seen and the unseen

A fascinating confirmation into the dark mind of the racist left.  Racist in the sense that they attache moral judgments to people based on their race alone.

Hardly worth mentioning.   The race is still undecided.  The numbers aren't solid yet.  Exit polls are about as unreliable as pre-election polling.  These numbers may or may not be accurate, or stable, or reflect reality.

But Attiah, Washington Post Global Opinions Editor, focuses in on what is the key issue to her.  Gender and race.  White women failed her once again.  What a burden it must be to have such a poisonous and circumscribed view of the world.  It is little wonder that indoctrinated critical theory leftists are so angry so often.

The mainstream media are properly not doing too much analysis yet because the dataset is not complete.  I.e. not every legal vote has been counted and not every illegal vote been discounted.

But it does seem that there are a few things that may end up being directionally true which have not received much attention.

White women increased their majority support for Trump from 2016. 

Married women and married men were strongly pro-Trump (here) (55%) versus unmarried men and women (45%) who  were for Biden.  

Republicans increased the number of their female Senators and Representatives by 7 seats.  Haven't seen anything on the Democratic side but given the number of House seats they lost, it is possible they may actually have had a reduction in their female Congressional representation.

Numbers aren't fixed but all surveys I am seeing indicate that Trump increased his support among all POC groups.  The only demographic with a significant (though still strong majority) decline in support was among white men.  

Biden underperformed against Clinton's support in all POC categories.

As I say, it is early days, these are notoriously unreliable exit polls not actual voting patterns.

But to the degree that any of these are indicative of trends, it certainly calls into question the mainstream media sustained article of faith and narrative that Republicans in general and Trump in particular are unreconstructed racists and misogynists.   

Either that or it is a confirmation that, using critical theory definitions, America itself is culturally racist and misogynistic.  But when you have to manipulate language to make you work via a tautology, you don't have a real argument, all you have is rhetorical manipulation.

The trends above seem to indicate that Republicans and Trump have actually moved the needle to building a party much more representative of the nation than that of the Democrats.  On top of building an economy which brought more POC into employment than ever before, delivering the first real increases in POC household incomes in a long time, the only legitimate conclusion possible is that they are in fact the most ineffective racists and misogynists ever. 

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