Sunday, November 1, 2020

The importance of epistemic humility

No matter how bright, experienced, knowledgeable you might consider yourself, you always have to maintain the humility that you might be misremembering or have the wrong end of the stick.  A lesson we continue relearning as we age.

My morning's lesson is from Lady Gaga.  I saw this post from her.

Watching the video, my first thought was to the effect that this was a wonderful example of an own goal.  She is endorsing Biden but seemingly trying to appeal to what her New York brain thinks is a conservative audience.  Mega-truck, cold beer, camo.  I cannot imagine a conservative in any of the states she mentions watching this video and not feeling even more motivated to vote for Trump.  It is so revealing about the mind of the Mandarin Class.  Shallow, disparaging, and wrong.

My second thought was, "That's quite salacious attire for a sixty year old.  Not out of character, but still."  She's been around a long time and still trying to behave as if she were in her twenties.

Checking myself, I go to Wikipedia.  What????  She's only 34.  That's not right.  She was a star when I was in grad school.  That was nearly four decades ago.  She can't have been born in 1986 as Wikipedia indicates. 

I do a few more searches since the knowledge provided is so divergent from the memory.  Finally the light goes on.

Lady Gaga and Madonna are different people.  I can see my confusion.  Both New Yorkers of Italian heritage, in the music industry, known for their provocative songs and attire, both noted for their frequent remaking of their own images.  

But now I am left wondering, over how many years have I lazily conflated Lady Gaga and Madonna when scanning headlines and articles?  Not infrequently I would imagine.

Fortunately it is a virtually inconsequential error since I am not interested in either personality or brand and their singing is extremely low on my list of interests.  

But I can't help but feel chastened at making such an obvious mistake.  

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