Friday, November 6, 2020

Shocking the conscience

There is no editorial or proof anything, but it was a striking contrast when I noticed it.  I follow Bo Winegard on Twitter, an academic of solid Classical Liberal credentials exiled because his empirical research ran counter to Critical Race Theory orthodoxy.  I saw his tweet first and endorsed the sentiment.  

Then I noticed the AOC tweet to which he was responding.  He is spreading a message of inclusion and coalition building and generosity.  She is advocating deplatforming, shaming, and ostracism.  

Click to enlarge.

What set me aback was that at the time I viewed there were only 600 or so endorsements of inclusion and 175,000 endorsements for ostracism.  Sure, perhaps just a function of a high profile account versus a low profile commentator.  Still, a nearly 300:1 endorsement of hatred and ostracism versus inclusion and understanding?  Shocking.

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