Thursday, November 5, 2020

Even in California and with tens of millions of spending in support, the proposition to allow government discrimination against citizens based on race fails

Another outcome relevant to the Status Quo Election just posted.  From Proposition 16 Goes Down in 22 Million Dollars Worth of Flames by Gail Heriot.  Some years ago California, via a ballot measure, outlawed discrimination by state agencies against citizens based on race and ethnicity.  The State government (and academia and the mainstream media and 1% moral poseurs) have long fretted about this legal protection against state racial discrimination.  They have wanted to overturn this protection and got Proposition 16 onto the ballot, proposing to once again State agencies to discriminate against citizens based on race and ethnicity.

The center of this whole issue, though there are many other ramifications, is university admissions.  If you focus on accomplishment and empirical testing, California's universities becoming overwhelmingly Asian and White.  Only by permitting racial discrimination against Asians and Whites can this imbalance be rectified.

I am happy to report that we have defeated Proposition 16 in California (56% NO/44% YES). Thank you to all Instapundit readers who helped us out by volunteering, contributing or voting!

The YES campaign supporters are now making excuses as to how they could have spent about $22 million (as against our pathetic $1.7 million) and still lost. Their claim is that voters were just confused. But that’s nonsense. Polls have been consistent for decades. Whenever the issue is stated fairly and clearly, opposition to race and sex preferences is overwhelming. All the NO campaign had to do is make sure voters knew what the issue was.

Once again, establishment institutions, academics, and financial 1%ers wanted to permit racial discrimination, this time to the tune of spending $22 million against $1.7 million spent by those insisting on equal treatment of all citizens in the law.  And once again the Mandarin Class were defeated 56 to 44% by the residents of California.

Heriot has some great information on the issue.  Well worth reading the whole thing.  Outside of California, about 70-75% of Americans are opposed to state-sanctioned racial discrimination even if it is purportedly in a good cause.  I would imagine if the question would more brutally put "Should the government be entitled to discriminate among citizens based on sex and gender?" I would imagine the response would be closer to 90% against.  

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