Sunday, October 11, 2020

On our arrival at the store, I thought I had almost entered a new world and to me it was

  Autobiography and reminiscences by John W. Carroll.

Grandfather came by our house on his way to the store, riding horseback.  I mounted on the same horse behind him.  On our arrival at the store, I thought I had almost entered a new world and to me it was: such fancy goods, such nice pictures, such nice glassware, etc., and above all such shining tinware.  I had never dreamed of such a beautiful place as this being on earth.  I feasted my eyes on the new things while grandfather chatted away with the storekeeper.  When ready to leave for home he asked me what I wanted and gave me what I called for—a new tin bucket of which I was very proud and thankful.  Encouraged by this adventure, I some time later made another trip to another store with some company and some mode of transportation; this time there was a gentleman playing on a violin, the sound of which was extremely pleasing to me and it looked so easy for the man to play; it just seemed that anyone could do that; so grandfather when he was ready to leave for home asked me in his good-natured broad Irish accent: "Me lad, what do ye want?" I said: "That fiddle, Grandpa."  He told the gentleman to hand it to me which he did.  Of course I felt supremely happy, but found it would not play for me as it would for the owner; so I did not succeed in making a musician, for which I have no special regrets.

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