Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Anything happen while I was out?

Four days ago I had foot surgery to address rheumatoid arthritis damage, pronation and a collapsed arch.  Finally feel like the various pain killers and anesthetics have nearly cleared my system and my capacity for clear (or clearer) thinking feels like it is returning.  

So what has been happening while I was under and beginning a long recuperation?

When I went in on Friday, the NYPost story leaking the contents of Hunter Biden's laptop was the top story.  Well, actually, I guess the top story was the attempt by Facebook and Twitter to suppress the story.  

Apparently that effort has continued but the predicted Streisand Effect has kicked in with MIT reporting a large bump in the New York Post story once the shadow ban and the ban went into effect.  

Apparently Twitter still worries about the effect of the Hunter Biden story on voting because it is still shadow banning the article and keeping the NY Post locked down.  Facebook likewise.  

On Friday when I went in, many journalists were speculating that this was a dirty tricks effort and that the emails were faked or were part of a disinformation campaign by the Russians.  Apparently the Biden campaign has moved past that and seem to be acknowledging that the emails are real, just not relevant and don't mean what they appear to mean.  

The Director of National Intelligence has also slain the Russian Disinformation Campaign story.  Hunter Biden's laptop is real.  

As I regain cognitive awareness it appears that the email dump is real, it is from Hunter Biden, the Biden campaign is not denying that it is real and it does confirm the already known extent of Hunter Biden's corruption and that Joe Biden was much more intimately aware of Hunter's actions than was in evidence four days ago.

On a lesser scale, as I went under Steve Scully, a C-Span host and up-coming presidential debate moderator was under fire for having tweeted (intending to private message them) with anti-Trumpers about how to question him.  Apparently he did nothing similar with Biden opponents.  He had just informed the public that his twitter account had been hacked and that those weren't his tweets.  

While I was in dreamland, he came clean about his sabotage effort and that there had been no hacking of his account.  C-Span either indefinitely suspended him or fired him, it seems unclear.

In a more spectacular self-immolation, longtime Trump critic Jeffrey Toobin, longtime legal correspondent for the New Yorker and CNN, revealed more than he intended.  He pulled an astonishing Anthony Wiener by masturbating during a New Yorker magazine zoom call, apparently inadvertently exposing the most notable story of his career.

There was a rapid evolution from "he accidentally exposed himself" to "he masturbated in front of others."  

What on earth is going on with these guys?  Is Toobin another Kurt Eichenwald of tentacle sex fame?  Or merely a left-wing C.K. Louis?

Toobin is known in some quarters as the man who was not only a Harvard magna cum laude BA and JD, but also the man who conducted, while married, a years long affair with the daughter of a friend and who tried to force her to have an abortion when she became pregnant.  Proving once and for all that high IQ, high ethics, and good morality are independent traits.

Impossible to believe, but it gets somewhat weirder.  What was the zoom call about?  From New Yorker Suspends Jeffrey Toobin for Masturbating on Zoom Call by Laura Wagner.

Two people who were on the call told VICE separately that the call was an election simulation featuring many of the New Yorker's biggest stars: Jane Mayer was playing establishment Republicans; Evan Osnos was Joe Biden, Jelani Cobb was establishment Democrats, Masha Gessen played Donald Trump, Andrew Marantz was the far right, Sue Halpern was left wing democrats, Dexter Filkins was the military, and Jeffrey Toobin playing the courts. There were also a handful of other producers on the call from the New Yorker and WNYC.

Both people, who spoke on the condition of anonymity in order to speak freely, noted that it was unclear how much each person saw, but both said that they saw Toobin jerking off. The two sources described a juncture in the election simulation when there was a strategy session, and the Democrats and Republicans went into their respective break out rooms for about 10 minutes. At this point, they said, it seemed like Toobin was on a second video call. The sources said that when the groups returned from their break out rooms, Toobin lowered the camera. The people on the call said they could see Toobin touching his penis. Toobin then left the call. Moments later, he called back in, seemingly unaware of what his colleagues had been able to see, and the simulation continued.

New Yorker spokesperson Natalie Raabe said: “Jeffrey Toobin has been suspended while we investigate the matter.”

Why on earth is the New Yorker, originally a high class culture magazine for the upper middle class, war-gaming the election?  

Across four days of cognitive disengagement, we have confirmation of big tech companies suppressing what appears to be accurate information about corrupt practices by members of the nominee for president's family, and indeed the candidate himself, a major mainstream media reporter has been outed and fired for TDS behavior and another major mainstream media commentator has demonstrated, yet again, profoundly inappropriate personal behavior where everyone could see.

I look forward to the return of normal non-2020 years in the near future.

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