Friday, October 16, 2020

A brother whom I had not seen for months came walking up, having heard of the battle, and wanted to see me.

 Autobiography and reminiscences by John W. Carroll.  After his enlistment in the Confederate Army.  many, many adventures.  After one engagement, he is wounded and eventually evacuated to Chattangooa.

Arriving at Chattanooga about midnight, the weather at this time being very cold, we were unloaded and carried to a frame church on the outskirts of the city and laid on the floor as we arrived, until the floor was literally covered with wounded men, few of whom had blankets to cover with and no chance for a fire to warm.  We were in anything but a comfortable condition.  This was the best, I suppose, that could be done for us: any way it was hard luck.  During the night owing to poor health I found it necessary to dispense with what clothing I had left, except one shirt which I had on.  Morning soon dawned and some friends of mine found me in a nude condition and ministered unto my necessities.  A brother whom I had not seen for months came walking up, having heard of the battle, and wanted to see me.  Soon I had comfortable clothes.  A good room in the hotel and a bed to lie on: what a great thing to have a friend! Boys, never betray a confidence reposed in you nor go back on a friend.


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