Friday, September 25, 2020

"Mostly" now functioning as a tell that a lie is about to follow

Another example of the dramatic mismatch between what we are seeing with our own eyes and what our institutions are trying to tell us.  This just happened last night and there may be a backstory that casts this in a different light but so far this looks like an unpoliced mob hunting and attempting to assassinate an ordinary citizen.  

Click for the thread.

This apparently happened last night in Hollywood, California.  Here is what the LAPD have to say about the incident. 

It is classic excuse making and downplaying.  We've just watched a trailer for The Hunger Games and now the LAPD is describing it as a minor kerfuffle from the Brady Bunch.

Just after 7:00 pm Thursday evening, a group of more than 300 protestors marched through Hollywood. While there were isolated reports of vandalism, the group was largely peaceful. The group eventually made its way onto Sunset Boulevard. 

The mob was largely peaceful before they became violent.  Militarized Germany was largely peaceful before it invaded Poland.  Communism was mostly working in the Soviet Union before they started killing off the Ukrainians and prosperous peasants.  Jeffrey Dahmer was mostly civil between bouts of aggressive snacking.  Osama Bin Laden was a mostly peaceful religious enthusiast before his acts of terrorism.

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