Saturday, July 25, 2020

Honor to all of those who in their lives have settled on, and guard, a Thermopylae.

Complete Poems by C.P. Cavafy.

Honor to all of those who in their lives
have settled on, and guard, a Thermopylae.
Never stirring from their obligations;
just and equitable in all of their affairs,
but full of pity, nonetheless, and of compassion;
generous whenever they’re rich, and again
when they’re poor, generous in small things,
and helping out, again, as much as they are able;
always speaking nothing but the truth,
yet without any hatred for those who lie.
And more honor still is due to them
when they foresee (and many do foresee)
that Ephialtes will make his appearance in the end,
and that the Medes will eventually break through.
Love that first line. In 2020, 70% of our people have settled on, and guard, a Thermopylae while a small minority of 5% or less have cast in their lot with the autocratic despot of the ancient east, willing to abandon the Age of Enlightenment values in return for the anticipated coin of power, bestowed by the autarch of chaos.

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