Sunday, June 7, 2020

Woke Mob as Editorial Board


The Babylon Bee has earned its position as the Paper of Record through dent of hard work. No fake news there. What is especially impressive is their capacity to report the news before it has happened. See this instance from last year.

Satire - they keep pretending they are a satirical site. Really, they are just a news reporting organization out of sympathy with the fevered Times.

The above headline was from ten months ago. Yesterday's headline in the NYT was New York Times Says Senator’s Op-Ed Did Not Meet Standards
After a staff uproar, The Times says the editing process was “rushed.” Senator Tom Cotton’s “Send In the Troops” essay is now under review.

Executives at The New York Times scrambled on Thursday to address the concerns of employees and readers who were angered by the newspaper’s publication of an opinion essay by a United States senator calling for the federal government to send the military to suppress protests against police violence in American cities.

James Bennet, the editor in charge of the opinion section, said in a meeting with staff members late in the day that he had not read the essay before it was published. Shortly afterward, The Times issued a statement saying the essay fell short of the newspaper’s standards.

“We’ve examined the piece and the process leading up to its publication,” Eileen Murphy, a Times spokeswoman, said in a statement. “This review made clear that a rushed editorial process led to the publication of an Op-Ed that did not meet our standards. As a result, we’re planning to examine both short-term and long-term changes, to include expanding our fact-checking operation and reducing the number of Op-Eds we publish.”
Unfortunately for the Times, Cotton's staff has the email record of the multiple backing and forthing, fact checking, edit recommendations, etc.

What was published was a product of the New York Times editorial process. It was no accident.

What has happened is that the Publisher thought they were running a commercial news organization. What, apparently belatedly, they are realizing, is that they are not in control of the mob that is the news room. Babylon Bee called it. NYT is going to have "To Run All Facts By Angry, Pitchfork-Wielding Mob Before Going To Print." BB's only oversight was that they needed to specify that the Angry, Pitchfork-wielding Mob was actually the news room of 27 year-old, know-nothing Ben Rhodes journalists.

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