Sunday, June 7, 2020

Nearly 200 lives at least - To what end?

Frustrated by the bad reporting being done about the riots I spent ten minutes trying to get an estimation of the cost in lives and injuries so far as of 10am, Sunday June 7th.

The mainstream media describing riots as peaceful, conflating riots with protests, claiming that peaceful protests that end in riots were "mostly peaceful", etc. It is as if there is a deep mainstream media commitment to hide the cost of these "protests".

Strikingly, when I did multiple google and Duckduckgo searches along the lines of "How many people killed or injured in George Floyd Riots" I get almost nothing back, and certainly very little recent reporting. The best I could find was A comprehensive list of police officers injured or killed in US riots from a non-profit non-partisan news center in Canada from June 4th.

But I want to know civilians and police injuries and deaths. Nada.

Using the True North list as a starting point I start doing permutations of "How many civilians killed or injured in George Floyd riots". Most the articles are several days old and patchy. I then try local reporting by city such as "How many civilians killed or injured in George Floyd riots in Dallas." What is striking in the results returned, beyond that they are several days old, is that most of the returned results are national media such as CBS or NYT or what not. No local reporting being listed until three or five pages in, if then.

We know there are many injuries and deaths but no one in the mainstream media is asking or reporting.

My ten minute search exercise yielded the following ball park figures.

Caveats - some cities such as Chicago and Baltimore have such high base rates of murder and mayhem that it is difficult to distinguish riot deaths from routine mayhem deaths. In Chicago for example, there was a weekend of continuing protests and riots and 17 deaths from gunshot wounds. But Chicago always has a lot of weekend murders. I have kept the numbers reported as constrained to riot related as possible but acknowledge the possibility of blurred lines.

Definitions - I have attempted to distinguish between deaths, serious injuries and minor injuries but many news reports only report injuries. An injury could be a police officer suffering a minor laceration treated on site or a crushed eye socked from a brick requiring hospitalization. Where hospitalizations are reported I distinguished those or where the nature of the injury is described and would clearly require hospitalization.

The effect of this is that serious injuries requiring hospitalization are likely grossly understated, being lumped in with all injuries in most news accounts.

Finally - Civilian deaths and injuries could be from Police Officers but in most accounts it is clear that the injuries are in the course of the riot from other civilians (defending their property) or from other rioters.

My ten minute scan turned up:
Police officers

Deaths - 3
Hospitalizations - 94
Injuries - 279


Deaths - 35
Hospitalizations - 49
Injuries - NA


Deaths - 38
Hospitalizations - 143
Injuries - 279
I suspect these to be an undercount by factors or orders, but it is the minimum I can find reported.

Nearly forty deaths, one hundred and fifty life threatening injuries, nearly three hundred other injuries. To what end? To argue a failed and empirically refuted false claim arising from critical race theory foisted on everyone? I hope people come to their senses soon before this gets out of hand.

Going quickly through all the news accounts there is also the striking observation that all these deaths and injuries are in deep blue cities and most of them are in blue states.
94% of police injuries are in Blue States
71% of police hospitalizations are in Blue States
67% of police deaths are in Blue States

100% of civilian hospitalizations are in Blue States
80% of civilian deaths are in Blue States
If the overwhelming majority of deaths, injuries and mayhem are occurring in a handful of Blue Cities primarily in Blue States, it is no wonder there is a news disjoint.

The news media are in those few Blue Cities which are also in those Blue States (Chicago, New York City, Los Angeles, San Francisco, etc.)

In fact, it is even worse than that. Five States (California, Illinois, New York, Nevada, and D.C.) account for nearly 85% of all the deaths and injuries in the nation. Cities where the press are concentrated. Cities under Democratic administration for decades, cities in states also with deep blue tendencies.

We are left with the horror that we have mass protests based on a false theory (disparate impact from critical race theory) occurring primarily in blue cities with blue mayors, blue governors and often majority black police forces, resulting in deaths and serious injuries among primarily black victims as a result of anger over governance and policies from the party most obsessed with race.

And the press happily omitting reporting or details or measurement in an attempt to gin up one more crisis for revenue or for ideological purpose.

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